No More Heroes - Wii
P.N.0.3 - GameCube
Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon - Wii
Three games finished in May and three that unfortunately I was rather disappointed with as I was expecting a lot more from them. No More Heroes just didn't grab me like I thought it would, it had it's moments but overall I just found most of it to be a bit of a chore. P.N.0.3 was both an interesting game and a repetitive game, interesting in the fact that it relied more on stealth and skill than just straight shooting but repetitive in that every single level was pretty much exactly the same. Finally Fragile Dreams was the biggest disappointment this month as I was expecting/hoping that it would be a really good game and what I found it to be was very repetitive with too much running around trying to find people/objects and way too many long ladders/corridors/stairs that just started to grate after a while.