Sunday, 5 May 2013

Completed Games April 2013

Darksiders - 360

Again just the one game completed this month and apart from one frustrating section a rather enjoyable game.

Without spoiling anything the frustrating section is a puzzle near the end of the game which takes a good while and which sadly just isn't that fun. Overall though it was an enjoyable switch off your brain and go with the ride type of game and is worth a play. It's an action hack and slash and while the premise is simple there are a fair few puzzles to keep you busy and enough power-ups/weapons to collect to keep you busy.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

April 2013 Purchases

A few cheapies this month that I wouldn't mind playing.

Most expensive game was Crackdown at £3 with all the others being £2 each. Despite the slating it can get I wouldn't mind playing Too Human so really couldn't resist at that price, same with NiGHTS which has a bad reputation but I might enjoy it. Crackdown was bought on a whim and Sight Training was sitting on the shop shelve looking lonely so I thought why not as I do like those kind of things for the DS.