Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

I imagine that by now pretty much every gamer with an Internet connection will have seen or heard about Bloodstained the newly announced game from Koji Igarashi, the legendary Producer of a lot of the Castlevania series.

Koji produced the likes of Symphony of the Night on Playstation, two of the three GBA games and the fantastic trilogy of games on the DS.

 Bloodstained is being called the spiritual sucessor to Castlevania and whilst it's not that hard to see why it looks like it's gearing to be a great game of it's own accord. A 2.5D action/platform game to be released for the current gen consoles (minus the WiiU) and PC the early screenshots of Bloodstained are looking bright, vibrant and really good. Yes it reminds people of Castlevania but for me it also looks a little like Muramasa: The Demon Blade on Wii.

Due to funding from the Kickstarter campaign Koji has already managed to recruit Michiru Yamane (Castlevania series, Pop'n TwinBee, Sparkster) to compose music and Solid Snake himself David Hayter to provide the voice of one of the main characters Gebel.

Talking of the Kickstarter page, at time of writing the total pledged was just over $1,500,000 with 30 days remaining. The original target was $500,000. I think that the other companies helping to fund the game have more than seen that there is interest out there for it. The KS page is also fantastically detailed with an introduction video, screenshots, goal targets (which includes the likes of cheat codes, a retro level, two-player mode and boss rush mode amongst others), concept art and achievements for hitting targets on social media and the like.

It's still very early days yet, the estimated delivery/release date is currently March 2017, but I, along with many others, am very much looking forward to Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.


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