Well I say recent but these games have been bought/traded over the past three months. Due to moving house I've only just had a chance to open most of them and check them all out.
Even though they are not that great I've been wanting a
Super Scope for years and now finally I have a complete one. I'm also really pleased to finally pick up
Skies of Arcadia as it's one of the last few 'big' games that I need to pick up to complete my Cube collection. Also really pleased to have picked up the
Zelda game. Finally from this batch I'm extremely pleased to have finally picked up
Chip n' Dale for the
NES as I've always loved playing that game ever since I first played it.
In this batch I'm pleased to have picked up
Donkey Kong Country Returns as

SNES games are some of my favourite games. Also pleased to have picked up
Muramas: The Demon Blade as it's getting a little hard to find over here and also happy to have picked up
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Finaly I'm extremely happy to have picked up
Ghost n' Goblins for the
NES as it's rather difficult to find, shame it's cart only.

For this last batch of games a mention must go to the pleasing fact that I've finally managed to pick up the first
Phoenix Wright game as it's tough to find it at a good price, only need two of the games now to complete the set. Must also mention how pleased I am to have finally picked up
Mario Kart, Metroid Pinball and
Kirby's Dream Land, three games that I have been after for a while now.
Well, that's the last of 2011's purchases/trades, hopefully 2012 will offer up just as many great games if not more.